Here comes another one, today we are gonna talk about Ruptured Birth and right off the bat i have to mention this bands album art, the bands first EP "Arachni Supremacy" has probably one of the best covers in the past few years taking the movie Eight Legged Freaks and making it not only true SciFi but Metal as all hell. The cover consisting of a barrend land covered in web, a monsterous spider and a dying soldier, this is the thing of arachnaphobic nightmares with a Death Metal soundtrack.

Ruptured Birth are not a band to miss, right at the halfway point of Friday night at Ontario Death Fest you will see Ruptured Birth hit the stage and this will not be a show to be missed. If not for the art alone, this is a band you need to watch merch for and luckily for anyone who likes what they've heard at this point, it has been a year since the relase of "Transmutant" so here's to hoping we will hear a new track or two from Ruptured Birth at Ontario Death Fest.
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