Friday, November 9, 2018

Interview with Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire


Hey, how are you today?
Doing well!

Finally on the brink of releasing “Broken” on November 16th, are you excited to get it out there?
We actually recorded this album a year ago, so we are VERY excited to release it!

Tell us a bit about the writing and recording of this album.
We worked with producer Kane Churko for this album. It was our first time writing an album in the studio. It was a cool experience & we learned a lot. We had Drew Fulk mix the album & we couldn't be happier with how it turned out!

Memphis May Fire - "Broken" Album ArtYou guys are still holding the torch high for the Metalcore scene, while a lot of other notable bands are moving away from the style, Memphis May Fire are still bringing the heavier music. Have you guys considered moving away from the heavier sound much like some of your predecessors?
"Broken" is definitely our most "Rock Influenced" album yet so I would say yes we are. It's really just a natural progression of the band. We want to write music that we are proud of & that we enjoy playing.

You guys brought notable rapper Andy Mineo on the track “Heavy is the Weight”, what was it like working with and writing Rap into one of your songs?
It wasn't planned to have Andy on the record but when we finished the song we knew he would be perfect on it. It was really refreshing to bring an aspect to the album that we knew people wouldn't expect. 

Adding Rap can really split fans, some people will really like the inclusion, while others will hate it. Does this make you hesitant to do stuff like this?
Not at all. We are very thankful for those that enjoy our music but we don't write with anyone's standards in mind except our own. If we are excited about something, we will always do it without hesitation.

“The Old Me” has a lot of emotional baggage to it as well. Tell us a bit about writing about something so personal.
It's not easy to be transparent in the music that we write, but our listeners deserve it. Some nights it can be tough to perform a song & re-live the memories, but my hope is that my honesty will inspire others to talk about their issues rather than bottle them up or run from them.

Soon, you’ll be out on the road with Atreyu and Ice Nine Kills. How many new tracks can we expect to hear on this run?
Since we aren't headlining, we're only going to play 1 new song. It's really hard to decide what to play in a 45 minute set after releasing 6 full length albums. We always like to give the crowd a wide variety of songs from our discography.

Atreyu are also the self proclaimed inventors of Metalcore, do you think this is a fair title?
It's really tough to say who actually pioneered the metalcore movement, but Atreyu was definitely a staple to say the least!

What will follow? Can we expect to see a headline tour up through the U.S. and Canada or are you intending to head elsewhere?
There will be a ton of touring on this album cycle! We can't wait to get back to Canada!

Last, but not least, do you have anything you would like to share with your fans reading?
Thank you for your support! We can't do this without you!

Thank you very much for your time, Matty! Memphis May Fire's new album "Broken" is out November 16th!

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